5 Reasons to Call an Engineer

Engineers. The person who figured out how to apply math to real life and make a living at it. The ones who designed the place you work, the home you live in and the stores you shop at. There are numerous reasons to call an engineer, whether you’re in the business of developing land or…


Rebuilding: Hurricane Irene 2 years later

Hurricane Irene came with a vengeance. Even though it was 2 ½ years ago, the damage is still visible. There are some place where trees still hold debris and there are many buildings and structures that are in the process of rebuilding. When Irene hit, it hit hard. Even though the Catskills are nowhere near…

Topo Maps

You remember topo maps. From middle school, the ones with all the colored lines that tell you what a property looks like with all the real life features such as rivers and hills, or man made things like roads. i.e. topography. In school those maps were the sort of fun part of geography. The nerdy…

It’s All About the Math

The phone rings. It’s the next door neighbor, who happens to run an outdoors events center. “It appears that the driveway you’re using is on our property and we’re going to have to charge you for using the part of the driveway that belongs to us.” Pay for the use of my own driveway? Time…