
Subdividing is often the first step in developing land or selling a property. When a client comes to us hoping to change boundary lines or with an idea for a major land development, creating a subdivision is a key step in the process.


Subdivisions are more than simply dividing a property into pieces. It involves legally changing tax ID numbers and property lines. This means officially filing with the County Clerk’s Office. Before the county can accept a new subdivision though, it must be approved by the appropriate town. Every municipality has a board that approves developments within its jurisdiction. This ((hyperlink)) planning board makes sure all zoning laws are followed and there are no designs that will be detrimental to the town. This board decides when a project is controversial enough to have a public hearing and allow the members of the community to discuss new developments before they are approved. The board also has the right to approve many small projects without making individual home owners go through a lengthy process to make minor adjustments to their property.

As an engineering firm, Kaaterskill is involved in countless subdivisions. We often fill out all the applications and represent our clients in addition to drawing up the plans for a subdivision. While it is possible for individual projects to complete the process on their own it is helpful to have a professional who is experienced at the process. Especially when there are many agencies involved, if it is a larger property or if there are complications having someone who knows how the process works is beneficial.

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